Thursday 23 April 2015

Why self driving cars shouldn't be made.

    I do not like the idea of self driving cars because it starts taking away the ability for younger generations to learn how to drive. If self driving cars become a thing, all the human race will become lazy and we wouldn't even need a license anymore to go places. Another thing is do you want the cars themselves deciding who lives or dies in an accident? I for sure don't because you or someone else can get killed by the cars choice. Anyways take some thoughts and decide for yourselves, I for one do not want self driving cars.

Thursday 12 March 2015

Why technology is neutral.

       Technology is good and bad at the same time, we'll start with the good things it can do.
Using advanced technology can help us get a hold of our friends or parents when needed, we can also use technology to help us with our education. If we use it correctly we can even help improve our health care!! Wouldn't that be great?! Just think about it, finding a cure for cancer!!! Wow!.
It could even help us improve our ways of fixing broken bones, help figure out diseases much quicker and find a way to get rid of it faster!.

           Now for the bad things, The things all parents hate is online predators. The advanced technology can cause more sexual predators to contact your kids easier and more "hidden" due to how advanced the technology has become. It can also be used to plan robberies or to blow a place up or even to murder someone/mass group if people.

Here is a link for other peoples opinions!

Thursday 30 October 2014

So Halloween is here tomorrow. You get to dress up and get free candy, what an ideal holiday. This year I'm going to the movie instead to watch a horror movie. :DDDDD
CSIS has released powers beefed up on new bill table, basically they are making it so that they can see everything you do on the internet. I feel that this is a violation to our rights of privacy! They should not be allowed to look at everything you do on the internet, I mean sure if you're not doing anything illegal you don't have anything to worry about but yet in the same concept there are things that you don't want people to know. Share this with your friends and see what they think and think about it yourself. I highly disagree with this.